Now THAT’S something VERY fishy! Woman hooks sea creature with TWO mouths while angling on New York lake

A woman certainly bagged the catch of the day when she reeled in a fish with two mouths on an outing on a lake in upstate New York.

Debbie Geddes was fishing with her husband on Lake Champlain last week and landed the impressive haul.

She eventually let the fish go, but not before taking some pictures which she shared with a work colleague who posted them on social media.

A woman certainly got the catch of the day when she reeled in a fish with two mouths on an outing on a lake in upstate New York

Debbie Geddes,(pictured), was fishing with her husband on Lake Champlain last week and landed the impressive haul

Geddes told Fox News: ‘When this particular fish bit, it felt like I had a nice fish on,’ she explained.

‘I actually commented, “I hope it’s as big as it feels!.” ‘When we got it in the boat I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! Two mouths! And yet this fish was healthy and thriving! Pretty amazing!.

‘We quickly took a few pictures and released the fish,’ she continued.

A picture was eventually uploaded to Facebook by a co-worker of Geddes, Adam Facteau. He claimed he is more excited about the discovery than Geddes is.

He revealed: ‘She wasn’t convinced anyone would care about the catch. I knew it would be popular.’

The image was shared on the page Knotty Boys Fishing, and has been shared over 5,000 times since Wednesday afternoon.

Almost 1,000 people have left comments, with some speculating as to whether fish’s unusual feature is natural or whether it might have been caused by an injury of some sort of pollution.

It is not clear whether the fish having two mouths was a natural feature or whether it was the result of an injury or pollution

Debbie Geddes shared an image of the fish with her colleague Adam Facteau, (center) and he later posted in on Facebook, with the picture going viral

Facteau told Fox: ‘Well, I think everyone has an opinion, which makes it interesting for discussion.’

Asked if it could be due to pollution he added: ‘Sure, that’s possible. However, Lake Champlain is also known for being a sewage dumping ground from Canada and (Vermont). Plus, many of these fish are stocked.

‘Could it be? Not sure. Regardless, it’s a catch of a lifetime and has a lot of public opinions.’

Geddes also said she was overwhelmed by the level of attention the image got and is amused by the interest.

She added: ‘I just can’t believe all the attention this has received. The public’s responses/theories are quite interesting, to say the least.

‘I personally believe it was caused by a previous injury, most likely from another angler.’


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