Are these the most daring tourists EVER? Stomach-churning photos capture everything from camping on cliff faces to skiing off vertical mountains

Dangling nonchalantly over the edge of cliffs and skiing down vertical drops – these are hardly your average holiday snaps.

But there are travellers who need to push the boat out just that little further when it comes to making memories that count.

Some of these photos capture explorers who have pitched their tents to the sides of staggeringly high rock faces in locations including California’s Yosemite National Park and Canada’s Baffin Island – and they all look confoudingly relaxed about it.

Others see cyclists teetering just inches from the edge of the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, snaking along narrow trails perched 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Again, looking at their faces alone you’d think they were meandering through a nice park.

And then there are the young daredevils in urban regions from Brighton to Hong Kong who get their kicks out of scaling skysrapers with no safety gear and posing for truly heart-stopping snaps to prove their bravery.

In a catalogue of images that will leave your heart in your throat, MailOnline Travel presents the most outrageously extreme stunts of all time.

Piece of cake: Eskil Ronningsbakken, an extreme stuntman from Norway, travels the world pulling off risky displays like this one, in which he balances over the edge of a cliff on a unicycle

Must you really? Kayakers Steve Fisher, 37, Dale Jardine, 33, both from South Africa, and Sam Drevo, 33, from the US, peer over the edge of Zambia’s Victoria Falls – the largest waterfall in the world

Catching up on some reading: Climbers dangling precariously from the side of the El Captain rock formation in California’s Yosemite National Park, seemingly without fear

Don’t wobble: The Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, towering 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, offer some of the most dangerous bike trails in the world

No thanks: Most of us could think of better things to do that mount a bicycle and teeter along the edge of this perilous landform

Vertigo? Nah: Pictured (left) a climber hacks his way up a frozen waterfall using ice picks and (right) a spot of extreme skiing at Grand Targhee, Wyoming

Wood you? Two climbers clamber up a breathtaking 750-year-old sequoia tree in California – and at least in this case they’re wearing helmets

Sorry, mum! A member of the ‘Storror group’ of teen daredevils who scale buildings in Brighton without any safety gear

Teenage kicks: The group claim their sport is not dangerous and that they jump along rooftops and climb construction towers in the seaside resort ‘because it’s fun’

Icy terror: It doesn’t get much more extreme than this when it comes to alpine sports. Pictured, a skier (left) and a snowboarder (right)

But how? This brazen human appears to have no climbing gear and has seemingly shuffled his way to this spot for what is at least a highly rewarding view of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains

Long way down: Pictured (left) a 4X4 hurtles down a sand dune in Lucky Bay, Australia, and (right) famed French mountaineer Gaston Rebuffat pictured in France in 1944 atop a very pointy peak

Stomach lurch: Ukrainian daredevil Vitaliy Raskalov, 24, climbed to death-defying heights to take this vertigo-inducing snap from the tip of a skyscraper looking down on Hong Kong

Sizable drop: Pictured (left) a worryingly wonky-looking plank platform built on the side of a mountain and (right), a cave of epic proportions

Hanging around: Three tents are suspended off a 4,000ft vertical cliff in the Arctic as these climbers get some much needed sleep during their tough mission

Nice view: Members of the team peer down from their vertical campsite high up on Great Sail Peak, on Canada’s Baffin Island

Committed: In a staggeringly dangerous mission, these graffiti artists scaled Mexico’s Metlac Bridge armed with cans of spray paint

Looming: This 430ft-high crossing is ranked as one of the highest bridges in the world, and the artists worked on it with no safety harnesses

Above the clouds: China’s Coiling Dragon Cliff walkway opened in 2016 on Tianmen Mountain in Zhangjiajie – a 330ft-long path along the mountainside which is is just 5ft wide, giving tourists a clear view of the plunging valley beneath

Isolated: The Solvay Hut in Switzerland sits more than 13,000ft up Matterhorn mountain and serves as an emergency refuge for adventurers who get into trouble

The crossing of doom: It is not known where the rope bridge is located but the voyager who shared this image captioned it – ‘heard there was a prize for vertigo sufferers on the other side… longest five minutes of my life’

Don’t roll over: The story behind this startling image remains unclear, leaving us with a multitude of earnest questions


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