A Mesmerizing Songbird Adorned with Its Vibrant Blue Throat and Bright Orange Band, Set Against Earthy Plumage – Bluethroat

Ruurd Jelle van der Leij a Dutch Ecologist, Filmmaker and Photographer. He has been creating an ongoing photography project titled Frontals for the past ten years. The project features photos of birds taken from the front, and they’re absolutely hilarious.

In his words “I realized from the start that they made the birds look completely different. From that moment on, I decided to focus on it and make sure I would have at least one frontal in each series. Some birds start to look like angry birds, some funny or even ridiculous.”

#1 Spoonbill

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#2 Short-Eared Owl

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#3 Marsh Tit

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#4 Wood Pigeon

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#5 Red-Breasted Goose

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#6 Great Egret

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#7 Black Stork

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#8 Red Kite

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#9 Great Bittern

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#10 Waxwing

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#11 Lesser Black Backed Gull

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#12 Common Whitethroat

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#13 Magpie

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#14 Hawfinch

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#15 Long-Eared Owl

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#16 Bluethroat

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#17 Kingfisher

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#18 Robin

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#19 Grey Patridge

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij

#20 Bearded Tit

Photo By: Ruurd Jelle van der Leij


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