30 Pictures Proving Australia Is The Land Of ‘Nope’

When it comes to places to visit, where are some locations that are on your bucket list? I know that I’ve always wanted to go to Australia. Australia seems like a very beautiful place to visit. It’s very scenic with plenty to do and enjoy. But there are also some other things that happen in Australia. It looks like wildlife rules it all. After seeing these 30 pictures though, I might be rethinking my bucket list and the places I want to go. I prefer to survive my vacations.

1. Even the water in Australia can kill you.

2. There are snakes eating crocodiles.

3. Huge Crocodiles. It’s almost as big as that Toyota to the left.

4. Paralysis Ticks – Before and After Feeding.

5. Tons and tons of spiders.

6. And even more spiders when you camp.

7. Millipedes everywhere.

8. Giant Earthworms.

9. Mole Crickets.

10. Centipedes that eat snakes.

11. Giant Jellyfish.

12. And Tiny Jellyfish. This is perhaps the most dangerous creature in Australia, despite being no bigger than a thumbnail. Their venom is 100 times as potent as that of a cobra and 1,000 times as potent as that of a tarantula.

13. Box jellyfish attack.

14. Blue ringed octopus. The only species fatal to humans.

15. Predatory Marble Cone Snail. Their stings can cause respiratory muscle paralysis resulting in death.

16. Stonefish. Earth’s most venomous fish.

17. The Reef Stonefish can inject highly toxic venom that leads to death.

18. Their hail is bigger than pool balls.

19. Pythons eating a flying fox.

20. Python so huge that it can grab (and eat) a wallaby out of a river.

21. Snakes in the store while you shop.

22. Snakes in the toilet.

23. Snakes eating lizards.

24. Snakes ruining your golf game.

25. Snakes on a plane (great movie by the way).

26. Dingos eat their sharks.

27. Sharks on the golfing grounds.

28. Surfing with sharks.

29. Surfing with crocodiles.

30. Crocodiles on your front lawn.

Obviously, Australia is a very beautiful place, but their wildlife might be a little scary to be around. Would you still want to visit after seeing these pictures? I think I would visit, but I would be very cautious about where I went and where I stepped. Even after seeing some of these pictures, you may be double checking the toilet before using it. Thanks for the nightmares, Australia!


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