Dog Saves A Baby Bird And They Became Best Friends

We find dogs to be good companions because they are friendly and caring creatures. They are also very loyal towards their human owners and can be adorable at times. These social animals love to bond and feel accepted. But what matters to them most is being loved. Hiro is a cute pup who is known to be a very good doggo. He recently proved how good he was. The saying ‘actions speak louder than barking’ can certainly be applied to him. On one fine day, Hiro along with his owner, Viviana Davila, were enjoying some relaxation time in their backyard in Puerto Rico.

This is when they observed something lying on the ground near the fence line. The curious doggo got up from his spot and walked towards this mysterious object in order to get a closer look at what it was. After coming across this mysterious object, Hiro wanted to make his human aware of it. Viviana saw the doggo lick something on the ground and then look at her. Hiro then repeated the same action again as if he wanted to get his owner’s attention.

Viviana realized that something interesting was going on, so she approached the dog. A baby bird was lying on the ground, defenseless and helpless. Viviana found a towel and quickly picked up the bird. This is how Hiro became a savior. If it wasn’t for this kind doggo the baby bird would have become prey to a larger animal.

The baby bird was a Quaker parrot and unfortunately paraplegic because it fell off a nest. The bird had no chance of survival out in the wild. Viviana named the birdie ‘Hope’ because she was a fighter. She then took the birdie into her home with hopes of taking care of it. Viviana followed the instructions given by the vet and fed the bird on a regular basis. She is trying her best to make the little birdie feel at home.

Hiro the heroic doggo hasn’t left the bird’s side since day one. Luckily Hope is getting better day by day. Hiro and Hope are inseparable now and the doggo’s new purpose is to take care of Hope. Viviana is super proud of Hiro for being such a good doggo and saving the baby bird’s life. We hope and pray that Hiro’s and Hope’s friendship lasts forever.


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