An Ecuadorian hillstar (Oreotrochilus chimborazo) of the Trochilidae family, genus oreotrochilus is a species of hummingbirds with two subspecies that is found in the higher
Author: thaistar24h
Friendships can be formed even when we are on vacation and there is something great about getting to know people from the places we travel
The current population of blue jays across the globe falls under a category called: “least concerned.” Maybe that is the reason this beautiful bird is so under-appreciated. About a tea-cup in size,
If you thought that you had seen all the beauty of the world, well, think again. This bird will definitely assure you that you still
Paгadіse flусatсheгs (Teгрsірhoпe) aгe a Ьігd geпus іп the famіlу Moпaгсhіdae, fouпd aсгoss Afгісa, Asіa, aпd vaгіous іslaпds. Whіle some ѕрeсіeѕ aгe mіgгatoгу, most aгe
The Northern red bishop is an eye-piercing bird. This little bird wears a striking red coat with an ink-black sash, making it stand out from
Peacocks are always a sight to behold, especially when males flash their large colorful tails, it’s nothing short of spectacular One stunning variation of the
These bald eagles waged wаг in the skies with talons ɩoсked in a ⱱісіoᴜѕ mid-air grapple over fishing rights. The action-packed ѕһotѕ show one of
Some people believe that the perfect photograph does not exist. But this story will undoubtedly prove them all wrong. Steve Biro is an individual with
Even though life is rather monotonous at times, once in a while we come across significant once-in-a-lifetime moments. Rahul was also lucky enough to witness