Along with his ornately decorated face and boldly colored tail, it’s also his “unforgettable,” almost alien song, that makes him so special – meet the Montezuma oropendola!

A spectacular, large bird with an “unforgettable” song given by the male during his courtship dance, consisting of a bowing display accompanied by a conversational bubbling and loud gurgles!


Montezuma Oropendola - eBird

The Montezuma Oropendola (Psarocolius Montezuma), is a New World tropical icterid bird.The male of this species is 50 cm long and weighs in at 520 grams, sporting a mainly chestnut body with a black head and rump. The tale is bright yellow with two dark central feathers. He also wears two blue cheek patches with a pink wattle, eyes are brown, the bill long and black with a red tip.

Montezuma Oropendola - eBird

Females look similar to males though they are smaller at 38 cm long, weighing 230 grams, and have a smaller wattle.

Juveniles are duller than their adult counterparts and have a paler and less demarcated bill.

Montezuma Oropendola | Costa rica wildlife, Bird, Montezuma


This bird is resident to, and breeds in Caribbean coastal lowlands from southeastern Mexico to central Panama, while being absent in El Salvador and southern Guatemala. It can also be found in Nicaragua and Honduras, along with Costa Rica.

NestWatch | Montezuma Oropendola feeding young - NestWatch

Montezuma Oropendola likes to live in the forest canopy, along forested edges and old plantations.

These birds can often be seen foraging in large flocks in trees hunting for small vertebrates, large insects, fruit, and nectar.

Montezuma Oropendola birds are colonial breeders, meaning they build hanging woven nests woven from fibers and vines in groups. These nests are about 60 – 180 cm long, hanging high in a tree into which the female lays to dar-spotted white eggs which she incubates for around 15 days. Once they hatch it takes the young about 30 days to become fledge. These colonies can have up to around 30 nests with one dominant male who mates with most of the females.

Due to a large range and stable population the Montezuma Ordonpendola is listed as of Least Concern On the IUCN list of species.



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