Heartbroken by the death of the baby elephant, the mother elephant picks up pieces of wood to make a baby elephant to commemorate.

Jacque notareal on a picnic was lucky to witness a very special moment of a mother elephant.

According to the tourist, because of carelessness, the baby elephant was eaten by a herd of lions. witnessing that heartbreaking scene with her own eyes, jacque could deeply feel the sadness the mother elephant had to endure. each roar and scream of the animal that lost “a part of its body” was enough to make everyone’s heart broken. but what happened next took everyone by surprise.

Jacque notareal was fortunate enough to witness this special moment and shared his images and story with latestsightings.com.

“It was a heartbreaking scene to witness, the mother elephant mourning the loss of her calf to a lion pride. the sadness in her eyes and the trumpeting calls she made were enough to break anyone’s heart. however, what happened next was truly remarkable.”

“A little while after her calf’s death, i noticed that the mother elephant had built a structure out of sticks that resembled her baby. it was a touching gesture. the structure was not just a random pile of sticks, but a careful arrangement that looked like her little one.”

Elephants are known for their close-knit family units. this mother’s actions demonstrate the lengths to which she was willing to go to honor and remember her little one.

“The mother elephant spent hours creating the structure, and when she was finished, she would stay close to it for hours on end. i couldn’t believe what i was witnessing. i have never seen an elephant do something like this before nor heard about it.”

“For several days, the mother elephant stayed close to the structure, carefully tending to it and making loud trumpets that echoed across the bush. as the days went on, the mother elephant gradually began to move on, but she never forgot her calf.”

“Whenever she walked by the structure, she would stop and pay her respects, as if saying goodbye to her baby all over again. this story shows how much love and emotion elephants can have, and it touches our hearts.”

As a parent, you can understand the heart of a parent.

Known as the largest animal on land, the impression most people get when they first see an elephant is a slow, sluggish massiveness. surely people will be extremely surprised to know the truth behind that layer of appearance, elephants are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, they have ways to express their emotions and intelligence in no way equally surprising.

Let’s share the wonderful work of a mother elephant for her dead child…


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