Teen uses magnets to pull safe filled with cash out of river – and returns it to owner

A teenager with a knack for magnet fishing found a safe filled with thousands in cash — and has decided to give it all back to its rightful owner after it was stolen 22 years earlier

A lucky teen found a safe stuffed with cash — and gave all the money back (Image: Magnetic G / SWNS)

A lucky teen magnet fisher found a safe stashed with thousands in cash — and then returned it all to its rightful owner.

George Tindale, 15, had been scouring the River Witham in Grantham, Lincolnshire, with 52-year-old dad Kevin when he made the incredible discovery three weeks ago.

The father and son duo recovered the old safe and were left stunned when among the mud and slime was a pouch containing 2,500 Australian dollars (£1,400)..

It turned out the safe had been stolen from businessman Rob Everett back in 2000 during a burglary at his office, who they were able to track down after finding a shotgun certificate and bank cards which expired in 2004.

After contacting Rob to explain the amazing find, the kindhearted family visited him at his business in Grantham to return the stolen property last Saturday (16 April).

George Tindale, 15, had been scouring the River Witham in Grantham, Lincolnshire (Image: Magnetic G / SWNS)

George, of Newark, Notts., said: “I mean it was amazing really. We pulled this safe out and it had all that money in.

“We counted it roughly on the bank and I think we totalled it about two and a half grand and we were just shocked.

Rob, who now runs Winkworth and the Money Options Group, recalled that the safe had been stolen from a previous office by a teenager.

He said the perpetrator was caught after he found a cap the burglar had left behind with their name stitched into it.

The businessman praised the boy for his honesty, saying: “I was just amazed that they’d been able to track me down.

Businessman Rob Everett, who lost the money when it was stolen in 2000, has promised the boy work experience (Image: Magnetic G / SWNS)

“For me, I just felt there are some really nice and good people in this world. They could have kept the money, they could have said they attempted to get hold of me.

Rob confirmed that in addition to giving a small reward to George, he had also promised him a future “opportunity” at his wealth management firm after learning he was a talented mathematician.

“What’s good about it is that George is a good mathematician apparently, and I run a wealth management company now, and I’ve offered him work experience when he’s ready to give him something back, give him some opportunity.

“I’d love him to work for us. He’s only 15 but give him a bit more time and I’d be happy to give him an opportunity.”, he said.

George regularly magnet fishes with dad Kevin and records his findings on his Youtube channel ‘Magnetic G’, attracting millions of views.


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